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Applied Behavior Analysts
Approved Hosp. Training Prog.
Art Therapist Advisory Comm
Athletic Trainers
Cert Psychoanalysts Adv Comm
Chiropractic Examiners
Cosmetology and Hairstyling
Court Reporting
Creative Arts
Diet and Nutrition
Electrical Contractors
Engineers & Land Surveyors
Genetic Counseling
Hearing Aid Dispensers
Home Improvement Contractors
Home Inspection Advisory Comm
Interior Designers
Int'l Labor and Matchmaking
Kosher / Hallal
Landscape Architecture
Legalized Games
Marriage and Family Therapy
Massage and Bodywork Therapy
Master Hearth Adv Committee
Master Plumbers
Medical Examiners
Mortuary Science
Occupational Therapy
Ophthalmic Dispensers
Orthotics & Prosthetics
Physical Therapy
Physician Assistants
Professional Planners
Real Estate Appraisers
Respiratory Care
Social Work Examiners
Veterinary Medical Examiners
License Type:
1 Year Temporary Permit
3 Year Temporary Permit
ADC Intern
Adv. Practice Nurse - Non Resident
Adv. Practice Nurse - Resident
AMC Controlling Person
Applied Behavior Analyst
Apprentice Ophthalmic Disp Branch
Apprentice Ophthalmic Dispenser
Apprentice Ophthalmic Tech Branch
Apprentice Ophthalmic Technician
Apprentice Plumber
Approved Instructor
Architect Exam Candidate
Assistant Applied Behavior Analyst
Assoc Counselor Graduate License
Assoc Marriage & Family Therapist
Associate Art Therapist
Associate Art Therapist
Associate Counselor
Associate Dance Movement Therapist
Associate Drama Therapist
Associate Home Inspector
Athletic Trainer
Athletic Trainer Temporary
Audiologist Non-Renewable Temp
Audiologist Temporary License
Audiologist-Speech Lang Path
Bioanalytical Lab Dir - Spec
Bioanalytical Laboratory Dir
Branch OM Certification
Branch TPA Certification
Burglar Alarm License
CADC Intern Temp License
CDS Advanced Practice Nurse
CDS APN Branch
CDS Certified Nurse Midwife
CDS CNM Branch
CDS Dentist
CDS Dentist Branch
CDS Optometrist
CDS Optometrist Branch
CDS PA Branch
CDS Physician
CDS Physician Assistant
CDS Physician Branch
CDS Podiatrist
CDS Podiatrist Branch
CDS Veterinarian
CDS Veterinarian Branch
CE Provider
CE Provider - Person
CE Sponsor (Person)
CE Sponsors-Individual
Cert Residential Appraiser
Cert. Realtime Court Reporter
Certified Alcohol & Drug Coun.
Certified Court Reporter
Certified General Appraiser
Certified Midwife
Certified Nurse Midwife
Certified Professional Midwife
Certified Psychoanalyst
Certified Public Accountant
Certified Social Worker
Chiropractic Assistant
Class A Electrical Apprentice
Class A Journeyman Electrician
Class B Wireman
Clinical Dance Movement Therapist
Clinical Drama Therapist
CNM w/Prescriptive Authority
Collaborative Practice
Compensated Worker
CPC Class Registration
Dental Assistant Internship
Dental Assistant Ortho Intern
Dental Hygienist
Dental Hygienist Branch
Dentist Branch
Dispenser Training Permit
DO NOT URen Temp Physical Therapist Asst
DO NOT USE Ren Temp Physical Therapist
DO NOT USE Temp Physical Therapist Asst
DO NOT USE Temporary Physical Therapist
Doctor of Osteopathy
Doctor of Osteopathy by IMLCC
Dog Handler/Trainer
Electrical Contractor
Electrodiagnostic Permit
Elevator Mechanic
Endodontics Specialty Br Prmt
Endodontics Specialty Permit
Enteral Sedation Branch Permit
Enteral Sedation Permit
FBL CE Sponsor (Person)
Fire Alarm License
For. Nurse CSA - Non Resident
For. Nurse CSA - Resident
General Anesthesia Branch Permit
General Anesthesia Permit
Genetic Counselor
Genetic Counselor Work Permit
Hair Braider
Hearing Aid Dispenser
HHA Program Instructors
Home Inspector
Homemaker - HHA
HVACR CE Sponsor
Immunization Approval
Interim Business Qualifier
Interior Designer
INTL Physician Temporary License
Journeyman Plumber
Land Surveyor-In-Training
Lic. Clin. Alcohol & Drug Coun.
Lic. Clinical Social Worker
Lic. Prac. Nurse-Single State
Lic. Prac.Nurse-Multi State
Licensed Landscape Architect
Licensed Residential Appraiser
Licensed Social Worker
Limited Professional Certificate
Limited Reg'd Ortho Assistant
Limited Registered Dental Asst
Limited Teaching Certificate
Local Anesthesia Branch Permit
Local Anesthesia Permit
Locksmith License
LPN Graduate License
LSW Graduate License
Marriage and Family Therapist
Massage and Bodywork Therapist
Massage Business Owner/Manager
Massage, Bodywork & Somatic Therapist
Master Hearth Specialist
Master HVACR Contractor
Master Plumber
MD-Acupuncture Certification
Medical Doctor
Medical Doctor by IMLCC
Medical Gas Piping Brazer
Medical Gas Piping Installer
Medical Gas Piping Instructor
Military Temp Courtesy Lic LPN
Military Temp Courtesy Lic RPN
Mortuary Intern
Mortuary Practitioner
Occupational Therapist
Occupational Therapist -Temp
Occupational Therapist -Temp Renewal
Occupational Therapy Asst
Occupational Therapy Asst-Temp
Occupational Therapy Asst-Temp Renewal
OM Certification
One-Year Permit
Ophthalmic Dispenser
Ophthalmic Dispenser Branch Office
Ophthalmic Technician
Ophthalmic Technician Branch Office
Optometrist - Branch
Optometrist - Inactive
Oral & Max Rad Spec Br Prmt
Oral & Max Rad Spec Prmt
Oral & Max Surg Spec Br Prmt
Oral & Max Surgery Spec Prmt
Oral Pathology Spec Br Permit
Oral Pathology Specialty Permit
Orthodontics Spec Br Permit
Orthodontics Specialty Permit
Orthotist Assistant
Out of State Pharmacist Immunization
PCS Branch Permit
PCS Permit
Pediatric-Pedodontic Spec Br Prmt
Pediatric-Pedodontic Spec Prmt
Periodontics Spec Br Permit
Periodontics Specialty Permit
Pharmacist Graduate License
Pharmacy Intern
Pharmacy Intern Immunization Approval
Pharmacy Tech Immunization Approval
Pharmacy Technician
Physical Therapist
Physical Therapist Asst
Physician Assistant
Physician Assistant Graduate License
Plumber Candidate
Plumber CE Sponsor
Practicing Psychologist
Preceptor Certificate
Prof. Engineer & Land Surveyor
Professional Art Therapist
Professional Art Therapist
Professional Counselor
Professional Engineer
Professional Land Surveyor
Professional Music Therapist
Professional Planner
Prosthetist & Orthotist
Prosthetist & Orthotist Asst
Prosthetist Assistant
Prosthodontics Spec Br Permit
Prosthodontics Specialty Prmt
Public Accountant
Public Health Spec Br Permit
Public Health Specialty Permit
Public School Accountant
Qualified Background Check
Recreational Therapist
Reg Municipal Accountant
Reg Municipal Accountant (Only)
Reg. Prof. Nurse-Single State
Reg.Prof. Nurse-Multi State
Registered Architect
Registered Dental Assistant
Rehabilitation Counselor
Residency Permit
Resident Permit
Respiratory Care Graduate License
Respiratory Care Practitioner
Respiratory Care Temporary
RPN Graduate License
Salesperson- Branch License
Skin Care Specialist
SLP Clin Internship Temp License
Specialty Permits
Specialty Permits Branch
Speech Lang Pathologist-1YR TEMP
Speech Language Pathologist
Student Permit
Student Registration
Telecom Wiring Exempt-Person
Temp Ophthalmic Disp Branch
Temp Ophthalmic Tech Branch
TEMP Visiting Physical Therapist
Temporary Dispenser
Temporary Ophthalmic Dispenser
Temporary Ophthalmic Tech
Temporary Perfusionist License
Temporary Permit
Temporary Permit
Temporary Physician Assistant
Temporary Practice Permit
Temporary Privileges
Temporary Registered Reporter
Temporary Salesperson
Temporary Salesperson Branch
Three-Year Permit
TPA Certification
Trainee Permit
Veterinarian Branch
Veterinarian Non-Active
Veterinarian Temporary Permit
First/Mid Name:
Last Name:
License Number: